HR Batch Toolkit

HR Batch Toolkit Introduction

The HR Batch Toolkit is a set of spreadsheets and programs that enable you to upload changes to the M-Pathways system for multiple employees at one time. When you have 20 or more of the same type of action to process, using the batch process saves you time over using M-Pathways to individually enter information for each employee. Using the Batch Toolkit also eliminates duplicate data entry, which reduces processing time and increases accuracy.

Note: To use the HR Batch Toolkit, you must have a set of at least 20 changes of the same type.

Actions Included in the Batch Toolkit

The following actions can currently be initiated using the Batch Toolkit:

HR Batch Toolkit Procedure

To use the HR Batch Toolkit, you will work with your Shared Services Center (SSC) HR Data Management Team to obtain, fill out, and submit a spreadsheet template for the appropriate transaction.

High Level Procedure:

  • At least 3 weeks prior to the effective date of the changes for Additional Pay Batch, the unit user contacts SSC to initiate the process.
  • The unit will receive notification from the SSC HR Data Management Team with the appropriate spreadsheet template attached.
  • The unit user completes the spreadsheet and submits the appropriate form to the SSC.
  • The file is reviewed by the SSC for final approval.
  • SSC verifies that the data was processed correctly, and then uploads the data from the spreadsheet to the M-Pathways system.
  • SSC verifies the data was loaded into the system.
    • If there was an error preventing the information from being loaded, the HR Data Management Team will review and manually data enter information as necessary.
  • SSC emails the unit to inform of completion with the error report spreadsheet attached.
  • Unit user reviews the error report.

Contact: Shared Services Center (SSC) HR Data Management Team
For general inquiries or assistance with the batch upload process, complete the SSC - HR - Batch Upload General Inquiry form.
Process Type: Work Address Batch Update
Additional Pay