This page contains a list of training materials related to Journal Entries. Click a link below to view a particular resource.

Create a JE

JEs can be thought of as a way to move funding/expenses from one set of ChartFields to another. For example, if an expense was charged to the wrong set of ChartFields, you may need to correct it by entering a JE in M-Pathways. There are three methods for entering JEs: Create an Online JE, Copy a JE, and Upload a JE.

Post a JE

Once you have successfully entered your JE(s) into M-Pathways, the file in which you entered them must be run through the Post Journal process. You can post a JE manually (the preferred method) or you can use the overnight batch process. A batch process is automatically run nightly in M-Pathways to post JEs. If you rely on this process to post your JEs, you must run two error reports to make sure the posting was successful. This is demonstrated in Run the JE Edit Errors simulation.